There are problems and there are children. It is our aim to separate the two. Anthony Horowitz, Point Blank
One of the greatest challenges facing families today is mental health and wellbeing. The numerous external influences beyond the family unit have an enormous impact on their development and cohesion. Furthermore, in the Covid era we are facing unprecedented hardship and challenges that are imposed on us, not just by illness, but by a society ill-equipped to accommodate mental well-being. Many people’s worlds are being turned upside down, and don’t know what to do.
Teenagers and young adults often struggle in silence, unable to explain what is going on within them. Parents, sometimes burdened by their own hardships—perhaps professionally or at home—try to be strong for their children. They don’t know who to turn to. It is scary. The climate of anxiety or even fear is exacerbated by uncertainty.
When asked what is wrong, you’ll more often than not receive a ‘stock’ response: ‘Nothing. I’m fine’, ‘Leave me alone’, ‘Don’t worry about it’, accompanied by a shrug—a spoken or unspoken boundary not to penetrate the shield of shame that they feel protects their vulnerability.
The biggest difficulty for anybody experiencing the problems above is their inability to articulate what is really going on for them, and the issue very often manifests itself in negative ways. Yes, one can engage with psychotherapists, psychologists, counsellors or coaches to try and shift the problem, or encourage a dialogue, but sometimes the participant just pays lip service to the process, and still doesn’t feel fully understood; and so any progress is stalled from the beginning. There is no ‘measure’ of success, other than in their behaviour. And for some the positive behavioural change quickly relapses to old behaviours, and you find yourself back at Ground Zero.
Well this is where the Organic ScoreCard can offer real, measurable change.
Participants of the ScoreCard complete a simple, 20-minute assessment, grading statements depending on their relevance, and in doing so provide a ‘snapshot’ of the subconscious; an image illustrating the use of the three main brain systems: the brain stem, the limbic system and the neocortex. With their results we are able to interpret exactly what is going on and offer exercises and solutions to most problems, without the need for medication or unnecessary labelling/diagnoses.
Our accredited coaches will explain behaviours and thought processes in a language that is understandable to children and their families, opening the doors to better communication and effective therapy if required.
The Organic ScoreCard creates a ‘breakthrough’ to the real brain strategy of your loved one, brilliantly and clearly illustrating their subconscious workings in a way they can easily understand. The moment a person feels truly understood they are infinitely more invested in their ability to get better and connect with anybody assigned to help them.
And this is what we do best.
Marc Grond explains the role the Organic ScoreCard plays in helping you identify your authentic self. It helps you identify your longing and work towards a more fulfilled life.