You have power over your mind—not outside events. Realise this, and you will find strength. Marcus Aurelius
The Organic ScoreCard is a revolutionary and scientifically validated assessment designed to provide detailed insight into what your behaviour is, why you display this behaviour and what you actually want to achieve in life with your behaviour. It shows you why your brain keeps you from fulfilling your true desires and your greatest potential; and at the same time illustrates how you can take the necessary steps to achieve imagined (or unimagined) potential and happiness in life.
The two main divisions of the Organic ScoreCard theory is that of brain energy (red, blue, yellow or reptile, limbic and neocortex) and the twelve domains. These domains were identified by Marc Grond (the creator of the Organic Scorecard) by looking at the major trends in Philosophy and Psychology.
The twelve domains of the Organic ScoreCard are Position, Motivation, Planning, Connection, Relevance, Knowledge, Structure, Insight, Agility, Values, Ambition, and Norms. These twelve domains also form the basis of the twelve chapters of my book Going Meta.
This is the domain in which you have awareness of your right to existence. It is about your place in the world. The sextant helps sailors know where they are by looking at the stars. You could be searching for your place, know for certain you are where you want to be or feel like your being where you are has a sort of magical quality.
Watch Marc Grond explain Position here.
This domain refers to your awareness of your energy source within you. This flame is that of a welcoming fireplace. It is an energy that drives you, but it can also be shared with others. You could have a life giving flame that spreads like wildfire, a life sustaining flame that is always trustworthy, or a soft burning flame that is a calming presence.
Watch Marc Grond explaining Motivation here.
Being at peace with yourself on a continuum, regardless of time and space, is what this domain is about. If Agility (explained later) is how you take on change (the future) as it is coming at you, Planning is how you look at the future from your perspective or from your grounding. Agility is change affecting you and Planning is you affecting change. It is the compass by which you decide what path you want to take. This could entail you opening yourself up to doubt, being your own companion and finding rest within yourself, or feeling a strong connection within yourself that aligns with the peace you find in the world.
Watch Marc Grond explain Planning here.
This is the domain in which you have awareness of how you connect to others. Like the cliché says, “No one is an island.” In this domain it is important to be open to connect with people who want to connect with you. You either do this by actively reaching out to others, organising scenarios in which connection can take place or by simply just being there for others by being present.
Watch Marc Grond explain Connection here.
In Relevance you have an awareness of what it is you bring to the table. You know what the gifts you bring to others are. It is also about the connection between what you can bring and what other people need. You could sell yourself and what others need to them, make a tailor-made contribution to others, or give of yourself as a contribution.
Watch Marc Grond explaining Relevance here.
This domain is about the awareness of your source of creativity. Knowing how you know things. Knowledge is about creating, changing, and inner wisdom. It is like a source within you that you master and that you can turn on or off like a light bulb. Your relationship with knowledge could be like that of an inventor, or a researcher, or a believer: you create it, look it up (find it) or it comes to you.
Watch Marc Grond explaining Knowledge here.
This is the domain in which you have awareness of your circumstances and how they are supporting you or failing you. This is an awareness of how you can optimise your surroundings in order for you to flourish. It’s not about the honey comb, it’s about the honey, but without the honey comb (the structure) the honey would not be possible. Think of a student in a dorm room: if there is a desk in the room (structure) the student is more likely to study than if there is no desk in the room at all. You might be someone that easily notices when structure is not working and breaks down faulty structures, or you could be someone that builds new structures, or you might enjoy having existing structures around you to support you in your endeavors.
Watch Marc Grond explain Structure here.
This domain is about your awareness of your past and how this influences who you are. The good and the bad from your life experience is shaping you. It is the key to yourself. And you are the key to understanding life. You might be on a journey of self-discovery, you might be documenting all that you know about yourself, or you might be at peace with who you are – the good, the bad and everything in between.
Watch Marc Grond explaining Insight here.
Agility is your awareness of the future and that it is coming and that this is an indisputable fact. It is also about reacting to the winds of change, like a weathervane, finding the path of least resistance and being able to change your strategy when needed. Change might excite you and you react to it in a rapid manner. You might be like a chess player, surveying the circumstances and planning your next move. Maybe you just go with the flow and dealing with change feels like drifting in the stream.
Watch Marc Grond explaining Agility here.
In a drought everybody needs water from the well and for the best possible outcome we need to find an arrangement to share the water in the best way possible. This domain is about the arrangement. It is about how we go about organising amongst ourselves. You might take charge like a captain in a storm, fokus on everyone being on the same page, or you might find it easy to stand back and trust that if others, like you, do what they do best without being checked on things will turn out as they should.
Watch Marc Grond explaining Values here.
In this domain you are aware of what it is you want to show others and what it is you do not want to show others. Almost literally it is the mask you wear. It is about knowing what you are showing others. You might enjoy centre stage and find it easy to navigate attention. Maybe showing the right thing comes naturally to you or you might prefer always showing others kindness.
Watch Marc Grond explaining Ambition here.
This domain of the Organic ScoreCard is about how we do things around here, but in the sense of how we have always done things around here. It has to do with your heritage, your grounding. It is like a net that protects you or smothers you. This domain is the invisible strings that keeps society together. You might be a rebel that enjoys challenging the norm or you might be someone that finds compliance easy. Maybe you are a natural leader that intuitively knows what the best way to do things would be.
These are the domains Marc Grond (the creator of the Organic Scorecard) identified for awareness.
Human beings try to construct the most appropriate way to deal with life. A collection of experiences, interpretations and images. We call this collection a life strategy.
The life strategy that people use consists of parts from a time in their past when they were useful and effective.
However, today, these parts can block meaningful behaviour and hamper optimal growth.
The Organic ScoreCard (OSC) offers an ‘x-ray’ of this life strategy.
It gives a picture that shows you where you really want to grow, why you are obstructing your own growth (old obstacles) and what you can do to step into this natural longing for growth.
A score is always neutral.
The context determines the extent to which this score helps you.
The statements you score within the OSC focus on core affinities (that you may be or not be aware of).
This creates an honest and open picture of who you really are at that specific point in time and what your opportunities and capacities are.
The OSC gives insight into your own personal strategy of life. The OSC is Organic, because it is about life. It is about growth up until this point and about continuous growth. Scores make the organics measurable. Scores make the organics ‘objective’. Scores open up the opportunity to measure awareness varieties and growth over time or in groups. The OSC is about the graphical display of the results. The graphs and statistics provide detailed information.
Our contexts often determine behaviour. It is thus important to look beyond behaviour to understand why people act like they do. Understanding the brain strategy gives insights into the origin of our behaviour. This usually leads to sustainable change. If all impressions in life would be totally and properly ‘digested’ our behaviour would be ‘authentic’. All our previous impressions have accumulated in our brain. That is what is shown in our Organic ScoreCards. It is an ‘x-ray’ of our personal life strategy. However, this strategy is often based on ‘historical’ circumstances and our reactions to such circumstances.
Awareness is divided into 12 ‘windows’ through which one can look at the world. In Organic Theory these windows are called domains. They are the ‘windows’ upon which we build our vision of the opportunities in the world around us.
If we do not see the ‘windows’ we have opened and the ones that are closed our behaviour will stay the same.
This inner logic contributes to coherent behaviour. We have a brain strategy and it plays out in our behaviour. The OSC makes our brain strategy visible in the 12 domains.
The Organic ScoreCard divides the brain into three systems, taking an ‘x-ray’ of your brain systems and identifying which parts you are using in your strategy.
Better still, we are able to offer methodical and enjoyable exercises tailored to your unique set of results aimed at developing and expanding your strategy and growth. Once completed, you are able to re-do the assessment to see how far you have come!
This is just the tip of the iceberg. If you want to find out more, its probably time to get in touch, take the assessment, or perhaps consider becoming a coach.